The problem of many ports in the world is the restriction of drafts, which entails a limited tonnage of passing ships and an increase in freight rates per ton of cargo. One of the solutionsof the problem is transshipment at anchorage, where the depth is much greater. In the article considers existing technologies of bulk cargo transshipments and suggests new methods, as well as describes the strengths and weaknesses of existing technologies. For overload use floating cranes, less often combined solutions with advanced self-unloading systems.
By type of loaders, the most common are:
1) using cranes ;
2) using a conveyor system);
3) hybrid installations of various types.
These existing methods have their advantages, but also a number of disadvantages, namely:
1) low speed of cargo operations;
2) insufficient boom overboard;
3) restriction of the radius of the conveyor boom, which entails frequent waistings of the vessel.
Further, the author proposes conceptually new systems for transhipment, in the coastal zone, which promise to optimize the process at a new level.
In these overload systems, it is proposed to use the existing technical means in the new quality, in the new conditions. This allows for improved results under the same initial conditions. Existing technical equipment is not required to be fundamentally changed or altered. They just should be used in several new combinations.
The proposed reloading systems allow, firstly, significantly reduce the time for cargo operations, which increases the economic performance of the vessel, as well as reduce pollution of the water area during handling operations, which in turn reduces the environmental impact on the surround and improves the environment in the region cargo operations.
Демьянов Н. В. Технология, организация и планирование портовых перегрузочных работ : курс лекций по предмету.
Брюм А. И. Технологическое проектирование морских портов. М. : Транспорт, 1971. 328 с.
Рейдовая перевалка: объемы впечатляют. Порты Украины. 2012. № 04 (116). URL: http://portsukraine.com/node/2782