The Kherson State Maritime Academy is the founder of the magazine "Scientific Bulletin of KSMA".

УДК 620.22//656.6//681.5.

Science bulletin of Kherson State Maritime Academy

Kherson state maritime academy’s scientific bulletin is a periodic scientific edition (ISSN print 2313-4763), which was brought into the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine of category “B”  by the following branches of study: 132 – Materials Sciences, 151 – Automation and computer integrated technologies, 275 – Transport technologies (by kinds) (the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 886 from 02.07.2020).

The scientific journal is being published since 2009.


The journal is indexed by Ukrainian national abstract database «Ukrainika Scientific», international abstract database Google Scholar, international scientometric database Researchbib, presented at the Scientific e-library of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, international abstract database Crossref.

Thematic scope: transport technologies; automation and computer integrated technologies; materials science and engineering.

Peer review procedure outline

The editorial board applies double-blind peer review. This process involves the following:

- firstly, all manuscripts are being reviewed by the editors in order to evaluate their relevance to the remit of the journal and compliance with its requirements;

- after editors approval, the manuscripts are being forwarded to two subject matter experts.

The manuscript is subjected to double-blind peer review: neither authors nor reviewers know each other.

- reviewers feedbacks are being forwarded to the authors along with possible recommendations respectively manuscript revision. The editor informs the authors whether manuscripts have been accepted without revision required, or the authors are enabled to revise the manuscript and submit them again, or if the manuscripts are being rejected.

Publication frequency

Published twice a year.