
Keywords: tariff, passenger transportation, salary, schedule, comfort, passenger transport, profitability of transportation, quality of transportation


The lagging behind the development of passenger transport from the needs of the population in movement causes socio-economic problems and negatively affects the work of other branches of the city's economy. The operation of public transport is an important indicator of the quality of life in the city and one of the criteria for evaluating the performance of local authorities. When organizing passenger transportation, it is necessary to conduct a competent price policy, since the financial stability of transport enterprises depends on it. For a significant part of the population, transportation costs account for a significant share of total consumer spending. Passenger transport affects the transport accessibility of regions, the level of transport mobility of the population and the well-being of citizens - they have great social significance. The work shows that with the help of the developed model of finding the estimated tariff for passenger transportation, passenger transport enterprises can determine the necessary number of flights and units of rolling stock to maintain the quality of transportation at the appropriate level. At the same time, you can choose the required capacity of the rolling stock, when the tariff for passenger transportation will be minimal, and the quality of service will be within a satisfactory level. From the point of view of economic expediency, passenger transportation must be organized in such a way as to provide the population with the necessary communications, while energy, financial and other resources must be effectively used at the required level of quality service. The clearly expressed socially significant nature of the work of public passenger transport should be supported by the guarantee of high quality transportation for the least well-off categories of passengers. It is proved that when determining the amount of the tariff for passenger transportation, it is necessary to take into account the principles of the tariff policy in the organization of passenger transportation and evaluate it in the complex of measures of socio-economic development of the region, and not only according to the income of transport enterprises.


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