Adverse weather and sea conditions are the most difficult sailing conditions on the route. Long rolling, need for constant concentration of attention greatly exhausts the crew and leads to wrong decisions. Existing methods of storming are not very effective, as they have low accuracy, significant time delays between obtaining data for calculation and determining safe movement parameters, lack of possibility of constant determination of safe movement parameters, difficulty in identifying the dominant factor from the system of dangerous factors, intuitive assessment of the level of danger. The purpose of the research is to develop a method of automatic storming that will ensure safe sailing in storms. The method, algorithmic and software of the automatic ship control module in the storm have been developed, which allows forming safe and optimal parameters of the ship's movement. The obtained results are explained by the use of an on-board computer, solving, at each step of the on-board computer, an optimization problem with nonlinear constraints. The use of nonlinear constraints allows to optimize the objective function taking into account the dangers of stormy sailing: synchronous and parametric resonance, loss of stability in following seas, impact of group waves in the stern of the ship, exceeding permissible loads on the structure of the ship's hull, etc. The obtained results differ from known solutions in that for the first time the problem of automatic optimal control of ship in a storm is solved, which allows to significantly reduce the influence of human factor on storm processes and increase the safety of shipping. The results obtained are reproducible and scalable. Extensibility is explained by taking into account other hazards in the form of restrictions on optimization parameters. The theoretical significance of the obtained results lies in the application of the nonlinear optimization method with linear and nonlinear constraints of the type of inequalities to find optimal and safe storm parameters. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of applying the developed methods in automatic ship control module in a storm, which allows to reduce the influence of human factor on storming processes, reduce fatigue of the crew, and increase the safety of navigation.
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