Two new composite materials and coatings based on them have been developed and implemented in the private concern "Intellectual Marine Technologies" in Nikolaev city. .The result arranges the increasing of sea and river transport’s details’ durability due to the increased heat resistance and corrosion resistance of the developed polymeric composite materials and protective coverings based on them. An increasing in corrosion resistance was achieved by usage of the epoxy-based protective coatings, based on epoxy diane oligomer ED-20, modified by 3,3-dichloro-4,4-diaminodiphenylmethane, filled with “Oasis” polystyrene and hardened with polyethylene polyamine PEPA. The introduction of such ingredients into the epoxy binder allows to increase the destructive stresses during bending of epoxy composites from fl = 48,0 MPa (for epoxy matrix) to fl = 110,6 MPa. Formed protective coating was distinguished by increased cohesive strength, which allow the slowing down the permeatation of aggressive media in the volume of the developed epoxy composite. The creation of a protective coating with increased heat resistance was accomplished by introducing into the epoxy oligomer ED-20 the modifier 4,4-diaminodiphenylmethane, the filler of polystyrene "Oasis" and the hardener PEPA. With this content, the formation of composite materials with improved heat resistance from T = 341 K (for epoxy matrix) to T = 355 K. The obtained physical mechanical, thermal physical properties and corrosion resistance of developed materials were compared with well-known world analogues. It was actual approval of their competitive ability on the world’s market. It should be noted that the developed protective coatings allowed to increase the indicators of destructive bending stresses to 2,0…2,3 times, and corrosion resistance to 1,6 times in comparence with unmodified epoxy matrix.
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