• А. I. Fedorov
Keywords: ship, sea transportation, container transportation, cargo plan, models and algorithms of container placement, optimization, efficiency of sea container transportation


It is proved in the work that the use of sea container transportations is effective today. It is argued that container transportation is a cost-effective and reliable way of transporting goods in large quantities by using multimodal transportation, which reduces shipping time and reduces financial costs. This is possible due to the correct planning of organizational, methodological and technological processes of cargo transportation. The advantages of the efficiency of using this type of transportation are analyzed and the main disadvantages that need to be eliminated are presented. The growth of the container flow at the current moment of time is noted, which requires a number of measures to increase the capacity and capacity. Basic models and algorithms for container and ship container placement are considered. Various approaches are analyzed (iterative local search, directional local search, variable neighborhood search, probabilistic greedy algorithm, evolutionary algorithm, genetic algorithm, ant colony optimization algorithm, annealing simulation, search with bans) and found that data are widely used and applied . At the same time, the importance of the construction of modern terminals, ports, unloading and loading equipment for increasing the efficiency of sea container transportation is argued. The paper also argues that the process of drawing up a cargo plan for a container vessel is important and the creation of new methods will allow optimizing the process and increasing the efficiency of container transportations as a whole.


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