Keywords: traditional methods of navigation, navigational astronomy, interactive mapping systems, alternative positioning systems, autonomous navigation, sextant, route visualization


The research developed a comprehensive approach to improve the reliability of marine navigation systems in situation of electronic navigation equipment failures, cyber-attacks and blackout conditions. Innovative algorithmic solutions are proposed to ensure a rapid transition from digital navigation technologies to alternative systems based on the methods of marine astronomy and principles of the Dead Reckoning ECDIS method.

The software tool has been created for the automated calculation of vessel coordinates using a sextan. This tool takes corrections into account, methods of statistical processing of data series, automatically detects misses and determines average values with a minimum total error. Determination of observed coordinates is implemented based on mathematical models of altitude lines of position taking into account course, speed and time between observations.

In addition, an autonomous electronic mapping system based on Python libraries (folium, geopy, ipywidgets) has been developed, which provides interactive input of route points coordinates, construction of route segments, calculation of vessel's speed and course, as well as visualization of results on interactive maps. The system can function locally without access to the Internet due to the use of web-oriented map data, which ensures stability and reliability of observation even in extreme conditions.

Experimental testing has confirmed high accuracy of calculations and effectiveness of proposed solutions in situations of electronic navigation system failures. In case of blackout, the developed system allows to restore navigation functions and ensure vessel’s safety.

The practical value of the work is to create a flexible, reliable navigation system that minimizes risks in case of technical failures or targeted cyberattacks. Prospects for further research include improving algorithms to reduce errors and adapting the system to real-world operating conditions on vessels in any navigation conditions.



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