Abstract. The article investigates the issue of the population’s choice of a rational mode of transportation in cities based on parameters such as affordability, travel time and the psychological assessment of expenses. In modern urban development, population mobility significantly impacts socio-economic and spatial development levels. Thus, it can be stated that urban development and mobility are interrelated processes. To meet their mobility needs, urban population can use three main modes of transportation: walking, public transport and personal vehicle. Each this mode of transportation has several advantages and disadvantages. Walking incurs no transportation expenses but requires well-developed and high-quality infrastructure. Public transport is the primary mode of transportation for the population in cities. However, using public transport requires both time and monetary expenses. In addition to having access to infrastructure, the population must travel to the stop, wait for the vehicle to arrive for boarding, commute to their destination and pay the fare. Using a personal vehicle also involves various time and monetary expenses. In this case, there is also a need to walk to the vehicle and commute to the destination. However, unlike the two previous modes of transportation, using a personal vehicle involves significantly higher costs related to its purchase and maintenance. Considering the above-mentioned, it can be stated that employing the proposed approach to assessing the population choice of a rational mode of transportation by accounting for the features of each mobility type will enhance the accuracy of evaluating transport behaviour. This is achieved through a comprehensive consideration of parameters such as affordability, travel time, and the psychological assessment of expenses.
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