The main source of incidents on merchant fleet is the «human factor» of bridge team. The most efficient solution to decrease its influence is to provide navigators with an effective simulator training. It is used both to achieve the basic knowledge and skills of navigator and to learn the members of bridge team on how to work and organize the cooperation on bridge effectively.
The IMO model courses and Ukrainian legislation acts regarding the simulator training of bridge team are critically overviewed in the current article. It is shown that there are no clearly defined algorithms of exercise scenario generation and principles of an unbiased performance assessment in these documents.
We reviewed the main navigational tasks of a bridge team during the voyage and proposed their formalized form: passage planning, a planned alteration of heading, deviation task, course keeping and collision avoidance maneuver. As a result we assume that the safe sailing probability function can be used as an effective criterion of navigator’s competence who is a leader of bridge team.
The main navigational tasks were classified, their formalized form and solutions represented. A structure of bridge team simulator training complex is defined. It shows that the full functionality of databases cannot be used and no knowledge bases are included. Moreover, all the tasks are generated and controlled by the instructor this is why he is overloaded and cannot effectively monitor the bridge team members’ cooperation. His actions are not limited therefore, the exercise can appear not adequate to reality and his assessment methods to be biased.
Such a situation requires the structure of training complex to be revised. A suggested formalized function of risk and safe sailing probability can be used as a basic principle of both exercise automated generation and students’ performance assessment criterion.
The methods shown in this paper allow us to analyze the real voyages and select optimal routes on a specific area as well. A decision-making support system can be designed based on risk assessment and a safe sailing probability function.
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